Last Revised January 20, 2024
At Quillow, we are committed to upholding the rights of copyright owners and ensuring that our platform is used responsibly and in compliance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). This policy outlines the procedures and measures we have in place to protect copyrighted materials and respond to infringement claims.
If you believe that your copyrighted material is being used or displayed on Quillow without authorization, please submit a formal notice of infringement to our support team. The notice should include the following information:
If you believe that your content was mistakenly removed due to a DMCA notice, you may file a counter-notification with our support team. The counter-notification should contain the following information:
Quillow does not tolerate repeat copyright infringers on its platform. Accounts found to be repeatedly engaging in copyright infringement may be subject to suspension or termination.
Upon receipt of a valid DMCA notice, we will promptly investigate the claim and take appropriate action, which may include the removal of the infringing content or disabling access to it. We will also notify the user responsible for the alleged infringement and provide them with the opportunity to respond to the claim.
To submit a DMCA notice or counter-notification, please contact our support team.
Address: PO Box 92 Cannon Hill, Queensland
Quillow is committed to respecting intellectual property rights and ensuring a safe and lawful online environment for all users. By adhering to this DMCA policy, we aim to protect copyright owners and uphold the principles of copyright law.